– – One of the services we offer our clients is to rebalance their individual portfolio’s as market conditions change.
Our Investment Committee has been working hard in identifying opportunities and fund performances and will be implementing another rebalance on our clients’ portfolios this coming Monday based on each family’s goals and risk tolerance and the changes that are occurring in the market.
If your portfolio is not being rebalanced with your current advisor and you would like a free analysis done on your portfolio, feel free to reach out to me in that regard.
If you are someone who watches the news every day, it might good for us to remember that their programming is often designed to attract viewership and it is often mixed with sensationalism that could cause anxiety or information that might not be applicable to your personal situation.
For almost all of our clients who have been working with us for a while, as of the end of April, despite the extreme volatility in the market, their portfolios are still up between 6-8% from where they were in January last year. It might be good to keep this in mind as we watch the pundits on TV.
Obviously, for those who are not earning an income at this time, the situation could be devastating and I would encourage you to reach out to me about your options before making decisions to withdraw funds from retirement accounts or to pile on expensive debt.
An Inspiring Story – Sunripe Farms Rwanda 
As many of you know, I travel to Africa on a regular basis to assist with the work that the SageView Foundation does there. SageView allocates 10% of our profits to work with some of the less-fortunate people around the world.
One of those projects is Sunripe Farms Rwanda where we have been training local people in building a sustainable farm that employs around 70 people and has become a beacon of success in Rwanda.
Rwanda has also been on lockdown and most people in the area have lost their income. Our team at Sunripe is fortunate to still be working and have done an amazing job in keeping production levels high and adapting to changes of not being able to export the produce as usual or supply local hotels that have also shut down.
Many of the Sunripe team’s kids are supported in receiving an education and with the schools being closed, they have not been receiving the daily meals that they normally would at school.
The SageView Foundation team decided to make a substantial additional donation from the funds that our employees in the USA have donated, to be sent to the farm to assist in feeding the families during this time.
We were so thrilled when the team on the farm decided not only to provide a month’s supply of food to the 70 families working on the farm but also to share the food with another 70 families in the surrounding area. They all came in on a Sunday and worked hard in splitting up the food and organizing allocations for each of the families to receive their food for the month. Obviously, we were so proud of the team who not only were grateful for what they received, but also shared that equally with those in the surrounding area.
Let’s Talk
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss how we can help you with your family’s plan either in person, over the phone or on Zoom
About Dave
Dave Coen is a Financial Advisor with SageView Advisory and the CEO of College Planning America. Along with his retirement financial industry experience, he is a College Planning Specialist. He works closely with individuals and families to provide comprehensive financial planning that addresses all elements of their financial picture. Learn more by connecting with Dave on LinkedIn.
1920 Main Street, Suite 800, Irvine, CA 92614 Tel: 714-813-1703
This material is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information on the subjects covered. It is not however intended to provide specific legal, tax, or other professional advice. For specific personal assistance, the services of an appropriate professional should be sought. A diversified portfolio does not assure a profit or protect against loss in a declining market.
SageView Advisory Group, LLC is a Registered Investment Adviser. This report is for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation to invest. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where SageView Advisory Group, LLC and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. No advice may be rendered by SageView Advisory Group, LLC unless a client service agreement is in place. CA insurance license #0G82578