College Planning: Get Started Now!

Every parent wants the best in life for their child. Their education is no exception.

Do you have a child who has aspirations of one day
attending their favorite university?

Are you worried about the possibility of having to tell them they can’t follow that dream simply because it costs too much? Or worse, sacrificing your retirement savings to avoid letting them down?

Just because your student is leaving the nest…
doesn’t mean they have to take your nest egg with them.

College Is Coming… Ready Or Not!

Here at College Planning America, we realize that each family is in a different stage of financial readiness for the enormous expense of college. So we have made it our mission to provide valuable guidance in creating a financial plan for college, which helps our families avoid the most common and costly mistakes.

College Planning America is particularly unique in that we implement little-known financial strategies that may maximize your financial aid eligibility. We work with both students and parents to provide long, medium and short-term college planning strategies that are real, relevant, and achievable.

Our team is committed to making college more affordable for parents and students by:

  • Guiding families on the steps to take NOW to lower the cost of college.
  • Helping families understand the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and how their EFC will impact financial aid and college affordability.
  • Taking advantage of new scholarship programs now available.
  • Implementing our unique process of school selection
  • Developing a financial plan for retirement alongside a college plan, and more.

Services Offered

Our professionally trained college specialists aim to educate families and walk them through the complex college planning process, in conjunction with their Retirement Planning. Our team offers help to each family on how to maximize their financial aid options, minimize out-of-pocket costs, and structure their finances to plan for college without jeopardizing their retirement in the process.

We understand that this is the most expensive time for your family, and we are passionate about helping your family design a plan that works for you. We successfully achieve this by offering a free 90-minute appointment in order to begin the process to:

  • Identify areas of inefficiency in the current planning process
  • Educate parents and students on how to follow a proven planning process
  • Estimate a family’s EFC long before they complete the FAFSA form
  • Collate and compare the real cost of colleges on the list
  • Analyze how much and what type of aid a school might grant to the family
  • Calculate the total costs of college including inflation
  • Compare the 4-year graduation rates of each school
  • Devise a plan to be able to pay for College and Retirement
  • Coaching the students on their role in the college planning process
  • Negotiate to improve on offers by planning correctly from the start

During our meeting, we will be sure to answer any questions you may have and get you set with a solid plan to eliminate the unnecessary stress of uncertainty and possibly save you thousands of dollars. We place the utmost importance on providing you with the peace of mind and knowledge that you have a plan and options.

You don’t have to sacrifice your golden years for your children’s college years. Let us show you how to take into account the total picture of your finances and give you unique advice that leaves many of our clients saying, “Why didn’t anyone tell me this before?”

Get started by emailing Dave Coen at or by calling 714-813-1703

About Dave

Dave Coen is a Financial Advisor with SageView Advisory and the CEO of College Planning America. Along with his retirement financial industry experience, he is a College Planning Specialist. He works closely with individuals and families to provide them comprehensive financial planning that addresses all elements of their financial picture. Learn more by connecting with Dave on LinkedIn.

1920 Main Street, Suite 800, Irvine, CA 92614  Tel: 714-813-1703

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