4 Vital Questions about College

Parents - Have I had a discussion with my spouse as to who is paying for college? Some parents want to pay for everything for college because that is what their parents did for them, or they want their student to be able to focus solely on their studies. Other parents would like their students to have some skin in the game with some loans. Yet other … [Read more...]

#4 and #5 – 15 Financial Mistakes people make in Retirement

In our previous newsletter, we looked at the impact of inflation, a Big Thing, and Ponzi Schemes on retirement planning. The next two are more about our portfolios. #4 Attempting to time the market The past 6 months should be a great example of the risks of trying to time the market. There are circumstances that can occur that some people can … [Read more...]

#2 and #3 – 15 Financial Mistakes people make in Retirement

In our previous newsletter, we looked at the impact of inflation on retirement planning. These next two are not part of the BIG 5, but often cause our plans to go awry. Going for a “Big thing” So often we find that retirees have lots of time and watch TV or read or sit around talking to others - much more than they used to. Often, they will hear about a … [Read more...]

15 Financial Mistakes people make in Retirement – first of the “BIG 5”

A large part of what I do for a living is to assist families to assess their “Retirement Readiness”. The planning part obviously comes first, and this is called the Accumulation Phase of proper planning. If we have done a good job throughout this phase, then there will come a time for the big question. “Are we OK to retire now?” We then start planning the … [Read more...]

Looking back a few months

Hindsight is always 2020 What a rollercoaster! The past few months have seen the fastest drop in the market in history and the fastest recovery of its type in history. Hang on for the ride. A feeling of satisfaction As I write this, I feel pretty positive about my clients and I am grateful for the trust that each and every one places with us in assisting with … [Read more...]

Should I lend money to a family member?

30 years ago, my Mom taught me a great lesson about lending money to people. Before we get into the rational details here, let me say that I have been the recipient of loans and gifts by some of the most generous people on the planet when I have desperately needed help. Giving and lending often comes from the heart and not always based on rational deductions, … [Read more...]

4 Questions that every Financial Advisor should be able to answer

I have asked people many times what their past experience has been with Financial Advisors. Do you know what to ask your advisor and what he should be doing for you? Probably the best thing that should come out of a relationship with an advisor is a PLAN. If you know where you are headed then you will have a sense of what you need to do to get there …it will … [Read more...]

Why I Need an Estate Plan and Trust

By Dave Coen – along with information provided by Jillian C. Kinsey, Esq. Albrecht & Barney attorneys Having a team of professionals working together on your behalf is something that I recommend to my clients. I would suggest that your Financial Advisor, a Competent CPA, and a Trust Attorney are 3 essentials for many families, no matter how small you think … [Read more...]

3 Things – Inspiration, Rebalance, Perspective

Rebalance - - One of the services we offer our clients is to rebalance their individual portfolio’s as market conditions change. Our Investment Committee has been working hard in identifying opportunities and fund performances and will be implementing another rebalance on our clients’ portfolios this coming Monday based on each family’s goals and risk … [Read more...]

Looking Back to Look Forward

By Dave Coen “Your Past is not your Future” – We hear that often, and it is a true statement. Our future does not have to be defined by what happened previously. But we can learn from our past in order to improve our future. John Maxwell, in his book “Failing Forward” said, “It does not matter if you fall down, as long as you pick up something from the … [Read more...]